The gulf between the two points of view in this country is a little depressing. I find that the old media/new media/ blogosphere makes it so easy for all of us to put out any and all ideas. Freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones of our free society and I wouldn`t change any of it. But that Freedom of speech comes with the consequence that anything can be said and then we have to determine it`s validity. So many charges and accusations fly with no sources and little proof to back them up. As an average guy with lots of commitments and responsibilities I find I don`t have time to do the research an educated opinion requires.
I watch one sides point of view that tells me I`m a brainwashed sheep, naively going through life with blinders on, oblivious to monumental evil being done by a country I call home. I listen to KPFK on the way home and wonder how they can see the world so different from the world I see. On the other hand I listen to the right wing voices who paint the opposition as partisan hacks, only interested in undermining Americas best interests just to make the Administration look bad. Or as Socialists and Communists who want to change our country to a system that has failed in every place it`s been tried. Both side are so strident in their beliefs but who has time to arrive at a truly educated opinion. Many of us beleive we(U.S.) are doing good in the world and another segment sees us as the great Satan.
So what can I as an average citizen do? How can I sit in the line-up with a smile on my face? The way I see it, all I can do is follow the old axiom -"think globally, act locally" and live by the Golden Rule. Get up and try to make the world a better place one day at a time, love my kids and raise them to be responsible ,open-minded citizens who think for themselves, and put my Faith in God to work things out.
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