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Thursday, February 5, 2009

greener pastures

A swell moved in over night but the southwind was on it early.I checked a few things before deciding a run south might pay off.I`ve done this many times over the last almost 40 years, it is always a tempting gamble, the promise of good surf just a county away, with the internet helping to improve the odds. But like so many times before the greener pastures are just an illusion, the wind wasn`t as strong but neither was the swell. These pics lie! Only a longboard could catch them and they crumbled quickly. The local guys grumbled about crappy conditions and how flat it`s been, just like home.

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1 comment:

christian said...

It's been brutal here in Los Angeles. Santa Monica Bay gets bypassed by a lot of swells, so if it's flat is SD or OC, it's, well, super flat here. Bummer. And now there's rain. Weeeee!