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Monday, February 16, 2009

dis-respecting George

I don`t know why the Huffington Post chose to put this up for "Presidents Day", seems very wrong to me. We used to honor the birth of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as unique holidays that honored their great contributions to our society. Last week was Abe Lincolns 200th birthday but it was also Darwins 200th and we give him more attention these days, Washingtons birthday gets rolled into" Pres day" and we get crap like this on the Huffy Post. We`re heading down a bad road.


christian said...

No way, man. That's comedy gold.

The surf/weather has been so terrible. I've seen surf blogs cease updating, while other bloggers start taking shots at one another. We need some damn surf.

Too too flat and/or stormy.

Beetlejuice said...

that's a great quote thar!