Be grateful.Gratitude is one of humanities highest emotional states and takes conscious effort to achieve. Lately I`ve had plenty of things to complain about (and have complained plenty, have felt sorry for myself and been an ass to live with) A week or so ago I had a day when I felt so blessed that it was almost criminal, I didn`t deserve the rich life I am leading, but somehow I let life`s challenges get the best of me and I slipped into a negative state.
But today I am grateful and thank God for so many things , things that are all around us every day if we just lift our eyes to see. This weekend I`ve seen a young couple marry and start a life together so full of promise, I`ve experienced the bittersweet joy of the father-of-the-bride dancing with his daughter on her wedding night( knowing that one day I`ll be dancing with my own daughters-man,I need dance lessons)I`ve been pained by the struggles of my own father as he wrestles with the challenges of growing old and diminished capabilities. I`ve been blessed by the love our family has shown for him as we pull together to help and honor him. Today I watched my daughter receive awards and praise at her school swim team banquet, and while thankful for her athletic achievements, I was most impressed by the moral caliber of her teammates. Thank you Lord for friends like hers that support and love each other.
The things that bring me joy today are just bits of every day life, repeated over and over around the globe. Humans going about the business of living. Sweet, sad, painful rich living. Thank you for it Lord and forgive me for those times when I get so wrapped up in myself to see clearly.