( lifted from Rincon surf blog)
According to Surfrider Santa Barbara's Scott Bull, Santa Barbara County Supervisors are working on a plan to charge parking fees at all beaches and parks (including Rincon) in a long list of revenue items. "It’s outrageous that they even consider using the parks as a County fund-raiser to balance their budget! So now, unless we act strongly and quickly, these parking fees will become a permanent income stream to the County, from us. Once in place, we will have to pay to enter our own public spaces, forever into the future!" Bull encourages everyone to contact all five Santa Barbara County Supervisors immediately and tell them to keep our parks free for the community!
I`m surprised it`s taken them this long to propose these fee`s. Here in OC I pay to park while surfing most of the time. Street parking is usually scarce and you either feed a meter or have an expensive state pass to surf HB. (And I don`t know how much $ i`ve blown by staying in the water till my meter expires and finding the meter maid has nailed me.)